
Death: The promise of political İslam

Death: The promise of political İslam

24 Nisan 2018 at 13:15

DAESH would have never appeared in this form should the US and the western big powers had not supported Islamist opposition movements and arm them to  stregthen their existence as proxies in the fight for regional and global influence during the Cold War and if they would have refrained from regimeRead More

The West assumes a heavy responsibility for the ongoing tragedy in Syria

The West assumes a heavy responsibility for the ongoing tragedy in Syria

01 Ekim 2013 at 14:49

Kürkçü, in his speech in the PACE on behalf of the Unifed European Left Group on the Report on Syria criticized the political myopia of the West: This perspective of an immediate collapse of the regime in Syria directed the West -and Ankara in particular- to turn a blind eyeRead More

BDP opposition comment against Uludere Sub-commission report

BDP opposition comment against Uludere Sub-commission report

26 Mart 2013 at 10:51

The majority report by the sub-commission appointed to investigate “Roboski massacre” came to the worst possible conclusion after a year and a half.